
Sales Funnel Radio

My first 5 years in entrepreneurship was 34 painful product failures in a row (you heard me). Finally, on #35 it clicked, and for the next 4 years, 55 NEW offers made over $11m. I’ve learned enough to see a few flaws in my baby business… So, as entrepreneurs do, I built it up, just to burn it ALL down; deleting 50 products, and starting fresh. We’re a group of capitalist pig-loving entrepreneurs who are actively trying to get rich and give back. Be sure to download Season 1: From $0 to $5m for free at I’m your host, Steve J Larsen, and welcome to Sales Funnel Radio Season 2: Journey $100M
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I'm a huge fan of books, but it's easy to get bogged down with it all. Here's how I learn AND execute...


Steve Larsen: Say 'Welcome'.

Baby: Welcome.

Steve Larsen: 'To sales' ...

Baby: 'To sales' ...

Steve Larsen: 'Funnel' ...

Baby: 'Funnel' ...

Steve Larsen: 'Radio' ...

Baby: 'Radio' ...

Steve Larsen: 'Oh yeah, baby.'

Baby: 'Oh yeah, baby.'

Welcome to Sales Funnel Radio where you'll learn Marketing strategies to grow your online business, using today's best internet sales funnels. Now, here's your host, Steve Larsen.

Wasn't that cute? That's one of my little girls, she's so awesome, we have a lot of fun together. She is one of my heroes.

Right now my wife as a Tony Robbins event, crazy cool, super awesome. I honestly wish I was with her, I wish that I could be there, but we have two little girls, little angels, so one of us has got to stay.

I love that stuff already, the stuff that Tony Robbins teaches, I already eat that stuff up. I already love that, you know what I mean? It's super, super fun. I kind of already am in a lot of the mentality of that.

I believe I can do anything, I think I can change my own destiny.

I think I can control everything around me. She, I was like, "You know what? You go. You go." It's really cool because she actually went with ... Maybe, I don't know if I'm supposed to say this or not, but she went with some of the wives from people at work. We got them like front row seats.

It was awesome, it's super cool. There's 9,000 people there and she's loved that.

She'll be back soon. I am four days with the little ones, it's been a long time since I dropped a podcast out to you guys. I was like, "Oh crap, I should probably send that on out." I thought I'd let the little one start us on out here.

A lot of cool stuff going on right now. My little campaign to end funnel building is over now, and if you didn't get the application in, I'm sorry. Like, I just, there's so much going on with Click Funnels right now, I cannot do anything else with that.

I'm trying to figure out how to say this. This has been on my mind a little bit lately.

When about three years ago, right? A lot of you guys have heard the story, if you had been following my podcast right? I would get up so early and just study and study and study and learn and learn and learn, do as much as I possibly could, right? I remember, I mean at first it's all I thought about. I stayed up until three, I had a notebook, I should find that notebook someday, it was really, really cool.

It's a full notebook, every single line, every single page, all the things I was learning I was drawing pictures of it, so I could understand it more.

I'd go find somebody else, be like, "Oh, I learned this on this podcast today and I read a book from this guy today." I thirsted, I did everything that I could to just learn marketing, right? I remember after about a year long period, I had tried a few things here and there, but I was more like in this deep just thirst state. You know what mean?

Where I was just drinking deeply, I was like, "Oh my gosh. I'm in this marketing degree but I'm not even getting the stuff in my marketing degree that I'm learning from these books and from these podcasts and from these, quote-unquote, gurus and stuff. The real cutting edge that's actually working, right?"

The stuff that's actually working in the marketplace...

I remember I was biking home one day, and I might have shared this with you before, but it was a big moment for me. I should say it was a big like three or four days, because it just hit me like a ton of bricks.

I was biking home and I was in Rexburg, Idaho, and for some reason there it's always 50 degree mile an hour winds, both ways, no matter what. In the winter, in the summer, all time, it's windy. I was biking home, right? I was pushing hard against the wind and I was breathing hard.

I loved that because I could listen to podcasts and stuff while I was biking all over the place. We only had one car and you know, I didn't want my wife to not have a car with a little baby. She always had the car and I just literally biked over the city there. It was really, really awesome actually, I love biking.

This is not motorcycle like I have now, like pedal bike. I remember I was biking, I was breathing hard, and I was listening, I actually think I was listening to Pat Flynn, Smart Passive Income podcast.

What's cool is that's actually the podcast that got me started online in general. That's when I wrote my first ebook and I got all the stuff together. But before I did all that, I was listening to Pat Flynn, I think I was just hearing who Russell Brunson was.

I was just hearing about some of these other guys, but I was drinking as deeply as I could, and about six months, eight months, I can't remember when, a while, right?

I had kept this pace up like crazy...

You could not get me to go that hard for my school work, for anything else, just this topic. I was learning and learning and learning. Sorry, I keep saying that, and getting right up to the point, but I just want you guys to know more the state I was in.

I was just so hungry for success...

I remember writing down, "If I can only make an extra $100 a month it will change my life." Because then I could pay for bills, then I could, my cell phone would be free. You know what I mean? That's where I was, right?

You guys have heard our story, where we were trying to figure how to even eat. That's not a joke, that was very real.

That challenges your manhood, right?

It's all I thought about...

It's not like I took a break, "Hey, what did you do over this weekend?"

"I freaking learned." You know?

"What did you do?" "I tried to make money."

"What did you do?" "I tried to be as successful as I could be." Right?

That's totally where it started and that's all I thought about. If you think you're in this game and you think you're pushing as hard as you can, but you're constantly thinking like, "Oh, I just can't wait to get home so I can do nothing."

Like, your heart may not be in it, you know what I mean? It's easy to see once you've gone through that path, it's easy to look back and see, you know what? That person's not giving themselves. I can tell that they are not in it. You know what I mean?

Then they come and they're like, "Well, how, why, when can I be successful?" It's like, ugh. It gets a little annoying, you know what I mean?

I know that you guys listening to this podcast know what I'm talking about. If you're listening to podcasts and you're doing all this stuff, you are most likely like me. We are probably very commonly, we probably think very similar thoughts. I was biking home and I was crazy skinny, but I was lifting as hard as I could also, because I knew that a lot of exercise meant a sharp mind, which means I can take in more stuff and stay up later.

Anyway, back to the story, okay. I was biking back and all of a sudden it hit me. Oh my gosh. I know what he's talking about in this podcast, and yes, I would do this, this, and this and this in that scenario, but dang it, I don't have a product.

Then I'd be listening to another section the next day, it would be like, "Oh, you know, check this out." Or I would be, I read a lot while I was walking, which sounds so stupid, so eventually I switched to audiobooks, but I would read in between classes, just as fast as I could, just getting principles down.

knowledgeThen I'd turn to some random person and teach them what I learned in the book. That sounds stupid, but I know that when I learn for two that my learning is deeper, then it sticks longer.

I literally imagine myself standing on a stage teaching it to somebody...

I still do that, I do that to this day, I've done that for years. I think it's one of the reasons I've been able to capture things and keep them in my head so long.

I learn for two. Learn for two, learn for two. That's one of my mottos...

I just kept ... I had this huge realization, "Wow! I mean, I've been studying this stuff like crazy. I've been doing all this stuff, but I don't have a business to do it to." I was like, "Ugh, why did I not think about that? Oh my gosh. What on earth.

Like, that's, almost sounds stupid." You know?

It was good, because I call it 'the age of exploration', right? I tried all these different businesses. I learned like crazy, but I didn't really have a business that I was going both feet in on. I didn't really have a product, an area that I was going both feet in on.

I realized like, "Wow. This knowledge is great and the things that I'm learning is fantastic, and wow, I just learned how I can increase conversions over here by 15% and drop my cost on this part over here. And I learned how to set up fulfillment. I learned how to ... You know, here's a whole another marketing arm I could put out there."

I was like, "But for what?! I don't have a frigging business!" I got really, really frustrated. I was like, "Where do I start?" You know?

A lot of you guys listening to this are feeling that. Like, "Man, I've got all this knowledge, I've listened to all this stuff, I'm consuming as much content as I can." That's good, you should do that, you should feel overwhelmed. It means that you're basking in complete immersion.

Feel overwhelmed, get as much content in your brain as you possibly can, but I also get it. Where do you start? What do you do? How do you actually create something where someone is going to give you money?

You guys know that I have that asset that I've always talked about. It's just an MLM funnel, but it works really, really well. It still makes me $1,000 a week every week, it's been doing that for like seven months now, eight months now. It's awesome, I mean it's how we have the down payment on a house that we want to get soon.

We're thinking about it and it's how we want to do X, Y and Z over here. It's how we go on our cruises, how we're paying off debts. It's besides our other income, it's super awesome.

I know that you're thinking that, you're like, "How do I do this?" Or you might already be making that money and like, "How do I make it grow?" Right? I had, for some reason this whole memory came flying back into my head recently. I realized, because my wife and I were talking and she was like, "You almost seem stuck."

I said, we were laying in bed and we were talking, she's like, "You seem stuck." She's like, "You have lived at this obscene out of balance pace for like five years now." I was like, "Yeah, I know." I want to start taking care of my body a little bit better. It's easy to do that when you're an entrepreneur, you just give everything. It's easy to see why if someone is not giving themselves, it's really easy to see, you have someone who's not actually all in, because they're not giving of themselves.

They're not willing to risk sleep and a little help, they're not willing to risk missing a meal. They're not willing to, you know what I mean? It's really easy to see that.

We're laying there, she's like, "You seem stuck, you know? For the last month or two you just seem that way."

I was like, "You know, I'm trying to figure out," and I was trying to explain to her. I told her about the time going on the bike and realizing, "Oh my gosh, I don't have a product," then I threw myself in to trying to figure out a product to sell.

The idea did not come from me. You personally do not possess the creativity to create a marketable, amazing, cashflow machine on your own. It sucks to realize that, but you don't, you don't have that creativity.

I got my idea when I was in the throes of study, constantly trying to figure out cool stuff, looking at all the sellers, looking at competitors, buying products, trying to figure out where I could fit in the ecosystem of the business I was choosing.

ideasThat's when I got the idea. I was like, "Oh my gosh, this is crazy." I was explaining this all to her, this was like a couple of days ago. She's at the Tony Robbins thing right now, but anyway, we're talking and I was explaining to her like, "You know what? I had the realization, I don't have a product, but then I figured out a product, and then, oh my gosh, it works."

I was thinking $100 would change our life, but then it was like $500 a month, then it was like $1,000, then it was $2,000, it was up to $5,000.

I remember my first $11,000 day and it was like, "Oh my gosh!" It was so exciting and I'm so excited for you guys to have that, if you haven't had it already. If you have that, relish those, I mean those are huge moments. I'm striving for my six figure day now. I've had my five figure day, I'm looking for the six figure one.

Anyway, she was saying, "I think you're like you're stuck." I was telling her stuff, and I told her I am realizing right now that I purposefully, and I did this on purpose, I purposefully stopped studying. Remember I what I was like when I was on the bike and I was realizing, "Oh my gosh, all this stuff is going on. This stuff is cool, but I need a business to actually do this stuff to."

I made a decision to stop learning, all right?

That sounds stupid, it sounds ridiculous, but I started practicing what I called 'just in time learning'. Just in time learning is the type of learning where you're just sprinting until the lights go out. You're like, "Okay, how do I get do I get the lights back on? What's the next idea? What's the thing that's going to keep me going? Okay. I'm running into this specific problem, I can't even figure how to resize an image, okay?"

That's the next piece of knowledge you need to go for, right?

Just in time learning is so key, because there's so much stuff out there, and there are so many things out there that can keep you guys from keeping progress and keep you from moving forward.

You can get bogged down really, really easy...

I think I've said this before, but even Tim Ferriss in his book The 4-Hour Work Week' says that reading after a certain amount of time dissuades the mind from its creative pursuits. I think that's the exact quote maybe.

He says it dissuades you and the reason it's good to read deeply, drink deeply my friends, my gosh. I'm not telling you not to learn, I'm not telling you not to read, but there's a time for action and there's a time for learning. I stopped this whole big gulp of information and trying to figure out how to sort it and go figure out what I need and what I didn't.

I started practicing 'just in time learning'...

It was super, super powerful for me to do that, very, very powerful. The realization I had when my wife asked me that, you know we're laying in bed and she's asked me that question, and I was going through this whole thing. I said, "You know what, for a long time I practiced this just in time learning thing and it's worked for the last two years. You know, when I realized I needed to actually take ridiculous action and throw myself and give myself for the product and I did."

It's worked, and it's working and it still is, and it's sustainable and it's been fantastic.

I mean, it's like clockwork now, it's so cool. I just know what's going to happen, I'll be a few times where it's like Saturday and only $800 bucks is coming in, by the time it's midnight though I've got another four or $500, and like what the heck? It just works and it's been great.

I'm realizing that to scale it and to pull it to the next level is going to require a different type of knowledge. I need to start this deep learning thing again. I need to start this hardcore really, really deep intense knowledge, this big drink again. This big quench again, that I was doing before.

What got me, it's such a cliché thing to say but it's so true, and I'm realizing it right now. What got me here is not enough for me to get to where I'm trying to go. I got here and I've learned that stuff and learned the knowledge and I know how to build funnels, and I know how to get lots of traffic, I can make sweet products, I can tons of automation, I can find out what things in the marketplace will sell well.

I know how to sell now...

I know all this stuff and it's great, and it's a huge, I mean it's a massive asset, but in order for me to scale, that's a different problem set. I have not spent the time yet learning personally how to scale it. I can do it for Russell all day long, because he has the team, he's figured out that. Right? That's what I've realized sitting down, I was sitting down at my desk and he was right across my computer, sitting at his desk.

I was thinking about it, you know just kind of subconsciously I was going through, but it also hit me, I was like, "He has figured out this problem, because I know he doesn't like to do what this next problem set requires, so he hired someone out. He did this and he did this."

So I hired an assistant. I'm trying to train her to take care of these pieces and I'm running into problems. It's the next problem set. The big aha that I had, the thing that I'm trying to say to you guys right now is, realize that you need to drink deeply, but there are times for ... There's times for these really intense learning periods, but then there are times to just stop, because that creates noise, and just go take immense, ridiculous action and practice just in time learning. Okay?

That will get you through these big phases, that will speed up your progress like crazy because you're not focused on, "I've got to read this book in order to be successful."

Tell me you haven't thought that?...

"Well, I've got to read this book first so I know how to do it." It's like, that's bullcrap, 99% of the time that's not true, after a point. I mean, if you've never ever done anything ever, then yeah, probably read the books. Your mind starts to get opened.

You guys understand what I'm saying? Like, does this make sense? Does this make sense what I'm trying to say to you? You have to do big periods of drinking, big periods of execution.

I'm about to go back to a big period of learning...

I just spent like $300 on books and I looked at Russell's bookshelf and I looked at all these others, the bestsellers. I want to learn from the best, I want to learn from the best people on the planet, so that's what I'm doing.

What I thought would be kind of cool, and I know that it's been like two weeks since I've released this podcast, but I've been waiting for these applications to come in for me to build funnels. I've got a bunch of them and I'm going to start sifting through them and see which ones I can build for and see which ones aren't going to be a good fit and all that stuff.

I'm realizing, really, I could keep doing that the rest of my life and make a great living and make great money, but there's this extra problem set that is starting to emerge, that I didn't know was there. I wouldn't have known its there unless I was sitting in this position.

That's all I'm trying to say to you guys is that realize that wherever you are, there's another problem set that's starting to emerge. That doesn't mean you need to deal with it immediately, make sure that you're still systematizing as much as you can to get it out there, but it's literally ... Have you guys ever heard the book, it's funny, I'm asking like you're in front of me.

It's because I'm imagining I'm on stage, I do that all the time. I do that for my podcasts, I do it for everything...

When I'm about to tell something to Russell, I try and learn it as if I can teach in front of a stage and keep it more interesting for him. Anyway, do that. A lot of  little nuggets I'm dropping in this one, but I've got to stop it here soon. You ever heard of the book 'Ready, Fire, Aim'?

It's literally on a plaque above our door at the office. Ready, Fire, Aim is a book that talks about the problem sets and the skills that are required to go from zero to a million dollars, right? That's what I'm trying to do. I know I'm going to get close to it sometime soon, which is awesome, super cool.

This is what I'm talking about, it's a total different problem set, because in the book, the next part of the book is going, "Okay, and how do you take your business from one million to 10 million?"

This is a different problem set...

You don't really think about like that usually. Then from 10 million to 100 million. There's the problem set, those are the skills and the habits required to actually hit that level.

It's funny because those aren't things that I ever learned or was taught in a business degree. Why the heck not?

That's really, really powerful stuff...

Anyway, guys think where you are on this path. Be deliberate in where you're standing. If you are in a learning phase, be in a learning phase and give yourself for it. If you realize that you've been in the learning phase too long and not been executing, which is one of the pains a new entrepreneur needs to experience, then realize that that's where you are, own that place and take a step forward.

Stop learning!

I guarantee you could learn the rest of your life and never take any action. Stop learning, go take action, and while you're taking ridiculous action, you're giving yourself for the product. You're giving yourself for the customer, trying to make it as cool as it can be.

There will be little tiny problems that pop up. Okay? That's just in time learning time, that's when you just needed to go create little tiny pieces of learning, so that you can overcome the specific obstacle that you are in front of.

Anyway, I've been talking a long time and I hope that all makes sense. Realize where you are, own that place, move forward and start pointing out and naming and recognizing the problem set that's in front of you, and then just solve it.

There's a, I can't remember who said it, but he said that you can ... The quote is something like, "You can measure the success of a person by the number of problems they have solved."

If you haven't solved the problem of how to keep your house orderly, you're going to have a hard time running a business. You know what I mean?

Not that that's directly correlated, because sometimes I think that's crap, but you know what I mean though? It all kind of weaves together. If you can't feed yourself and wipe your own butt you're going to have a hard time being successful. You know what I mean? There's like certain problems that you've got to go solve.

Anyways, be problem solvers, my friends. Solve fast, that's how you fail fast and learn fast, it's all tied directly into it as well.

Anyways, super excited, missus is coming home very soon and can't wait to hear about how the Tony Robbins event went. Just been playing with the little kiddos here, I thought, "Man, I owe you guys a podcast." It's been a little while here so, so sorry about that, but so many cool things going on.

Oh my gosh, I cannot wait to tell you guys a little more about what's going on, so stayed tuned to the next one. I already know what it's going to be about because it is sick. Anyway, we'll talk to you guys later. Bye.

Sales Funnel RadioThanks for listening to Sales Funnel Radio. Please remember to subscribe and leave feedback. Want to get one of today's best internet sales funnel for free? Got to to download your prebuilt sales funnel today.


Mar 10, 2017


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My 11 Point PDF Checklist + I'm Publicly Leaving Funnel Building :(



What's going on, everyone? This is Steve Larsen and you're listening to Sales Funnel Radio. Now, before I get into the episodes, or this episode, I just want you to see a little behind the scenes.

Typically, what I do when I get these podcasts together, is I'll just write out a whole bunch of principles of things I know that you guys are struggling with, have questions about, or there's a challenge. I'll go directly address that so that I can just keep trying to provide value. Or, I'll go interview somebody and we'll go dive deep into their business.

By the way, I've got about 20 more interviews lined up for you guys. It's going to be great...

This podcast is actually a little bit different. This one actually took me about an hour and a half to two hours just to prep. There's a lot of cool things going in it, so I'm encouraging you right now before I start, get a pen and paper if you can. I think you're really going to enjoy this.

Anyways, without further ado, let's jump into this. Again, welcome to Sales Funnel Radio.

Welcome to Sales Funnel Radio, where you'll learn marketing strategies to grow your online business using today's best internet sales funnels. Now, here's your host, Steve Larsen.

All right, all right. Now, while I was getting this all together, I was remembering the way I got into this industry. I've shared a little bit of this, but there's a certain part of it that I've been realizing that I haven't really shared. It's so key to success, I mean right out the gate.

I had a little podcast episode a little bit ago called 'How I Broke into the Industry.' I almost wish I hadn't put that out there, so that you guys could hear a little bit more of some of the things that really happened behind the scenes.

I was in college, and I was going around ... What happened was, and I've told parts of this, pieces and parts. What happened was I got married, my wife and I, we went up to college. I really hadn't had that much college done before we got married. It was only a semester or two, so I had the full brunt left. She actually had already graduated, although we're the same age. It took me ... I went on a mission for my church. I was gone for two years. I took a year off to work and get some stuff done, and put together.

Anyway, through various things, I actually waited on college for a little bit. I was doing a lot of construction jobs and just trying to get money together for it.

I told this story of when I walked away, and I was like, "Yeah, no more construction jobs. I'm done with this." I started going and learning, and I was doing door-to-door sales. I was like, "I got to learn how to sell stuff," so I was doing door-to-door sales.

When we got married, we had like no money. You want to provide, especially as the man. Like, "I want to be the man. I want to provide for my misses." That's how I was feeling. The problem is that I couldn't. I didn't know business. I didn't know how to sell. I didn't know what marketing was. I had no idea on any of that stuff.

I went into what I thought was going to be a prestigious thing going into a business degree, and going into a marketing degree. I started listening to this podcast called ... Actually, I can't even remember it. I can't remember what the name of it was, but it was a guy named Sean Terry. He was teaching how you could flip houses for zero cash, and it was totally legit. It was awesome. It was actually really, really cool. I learned a lot from him. He got me going and out the gates.

I'll fast forward a little bit. There was failure after failure, after failure, and as I started getting into this funnel game ... I've told you a bit of this story before, I went to door-to-door sales. I realized that you could actually attract people who want to buy your stuff, rather than go door-to-door and ask people to buy who are not planning on it.

I went from door-to-door sales to writing eBooks, and made my first funnel; although I didn't realize that's what I was making. I was using WordPress and all these tools and systems, and then I learned how to drive traffic because no one was buying my eBook.

Then, I got hired by Paul Mitchell and started working on building sites and sending traffic for celebrities, which was kind of cool.

I was like, "Man, none of this traffic's converting." That led me into Russell Brunson, and I found how to convert and actually sell online. That's really where money started happening. That was four years. I didn't stop. I kept going, and going, and going. Four years! It was painful. It was very painful, because I refused to get a normal job.

We were living on student loans, and I was like, "Crap. Like, this is my time to figure this out big and I've got to do it now." I did not sleep much. I did not do any really extra-curricular activities at all. I worked my butt off, and I know I did, and I'm really proud of that.

Here's one of the major lessons I learned...

As soon as I learned what funnels were and I started building my own funnels, we launched a company called Fixed Insurance. We were doing smart phone insurance. We had customers and there was money coming in. It was great.

I was brand new. We kind of mismanaged it a little bit. It wasn't the business I wanted to be in, insurance business. I wanted to go be in ... I wanted to work with people directly, one-on-one, and make their business explode. I wanted to do essentially what Russell now calls the certification program; but that didn't exist then.

I was going around and I was going from client to client. I pitched to the owners of Vivant. I went over and I was working with some of the top leaders in different MLMs, building their product, MLM funnels, selling lots of their product. I was going and it was super, super awesome.

The big problem was, was that none of them were big payouts. In between each of those successes that I was having was a crap ton of failure. It wasn't until I started looking back, like two days ago, literally. I was looking back and I was thinking, 'Why did this work, and why did that not? Why? Why did some funnels explode a business, and other funnels I mean, did nothing?'

Even in the same business, every once in a while, a funnel would go in and it would blow up, and then would do nothing again afterwards. Like, 'What's the difference? Why? Why? Why did some ... Why did some businesses just not take?' I was going back and forth, and I was looking around.

I said, "Oh my gosh, I think that there are times when a business is ready for a funnel." All right, now that's not normal thinking, right? We usually think that a funnel is good for any business at any time, always, ever; and yes, that's true. I'm not saying that you should not build funnels if you don't have all these elements but I started looking at all the people I've built funnels for. I've built over 150 funnels in the last year alone. Actually, 11 months; in the last 11 months alone.

A lot from my own clients, a lot for obviously for Russell's, a lot for click funnels internal, for click funnels external, for all the clients that he's got. All over the place, from supplement funnels to funnels for toilet paper, no joke. Funnels for lots of webinar funnels, lots of info products, retail; I mean across the whole gambit, MLM, local clients.

All over the place. It's been a lot of fun and a hardcore education, learned way more than my entire marketing degree combined. It's been fantastic.

I started looked back and I started seeing the patterns. I noticed that there's a specific moment when a business is ready to accept a funnel. All right, you got your pen and paper now; because I created it's 11 pieces in this checklist to help you and I know when a business is ready. What I'm going to do is I'm actually going to go open this thing up. You can hear me clicking around right now, but what I did though is I figured out that ... it's not always ...

I got to be careful of what I'm going say here, because I don't want any one of you to jump out and suddenly say "Well, Stephen said it's not good to build a funnel yet." That's not at all what I'm saying. What I'm saying is there's a moment when a funnel explodes the business. If you don't have one at all, if you have no extra income jumping in on you, that sucks.

Build a funnel...

All right, get it out there, start testing it; but there's a moment when the funnel explodes the business. What I did is I build what's called ... I've been calling it, it's just the pre-funnel build checklist. It's kind of a dumb generic name, should have probably made the name something different.

I said, "How I know if the business is ready for a funnel." This is a checklist you guys can all go download right now if you want at Steve J. Larsen, my full name is Stephen Joseph Larsen, so I said, "No, I'm not saying you should not ... I'm not saying that you shouldn't build a funnel if you don't have these things.

" This is simply a list of the things I use to gauge how much I think a funnel is going to expand a current business. I've gone through and I've built a whole bunch of funnels for lots of people and my own personal clients, this bit of a checklist I'm running through, it was all mentally in my head until I sat down two days ago and wrote it out. I was like, "Holy crap, this is totally what I do."

I created and personally use this list to vet out potential clients and prep my own businesses for a funnel. The point is to remember that funnels are not business models, or the complete business. There's been many times I've built funnels for people before I understood this. I built them just an awesome funnel. I will say that's the one constant is I build really good funnels; like a natural ... Not a natural ability at all, I shouldn't say that. Crazy enough, the things that I used to build funnels, I'm very good with the Adobe Suite. I'm very good at layout and design, and that's all I did in high school. I wish I did sports, but I was the head editor of yearbook. I got three state awards in Colorado for my layout and design. I know that's where a lot of it comes from, and super grateful for that. I had no idea it would apply to what I'm doing now, but it does.

Anyways, this checklist helps me see to which extent the entrepreneur or myself knows his own company. This is one of the biggest pieces on here. What I want to do is I want to go through these items with you guys real quick. It's 11 things that help you know ... What's kind of cool is let's say you're not hitting all 11 of these things. That's totally fine, use it as a gauge. Go in and start to figure this out, because here's what happened.

When I was in college and I started going back, and kind of walking back; I went and I started trying to find a client that I could blow up. I had all these start-ups. I had all these people that wanted funnels. I had 15 businesses on a waiting list in the middle of college during my marketing classes.

I walked up to the teacher and I said, "I don't want to be here anymore. This is dumb."

He said, "Honestly, I can see you're doing cool stuff. Why don't you just give me a cool deliverable at the end of the semester, and I'll see you at the end." I walked away and never came back to class. For three hours a day, I held my own class just trying to make as much money online as possible. It was the coolest thing on the planet. I call myself the student of exceptions.

The answer's always 'Yes,' until you can get a 'No.' Just go freaking do it. Stop waiting for permission. Stop asking for permission, just do stuff. That's kind of my mentality. It's like get out of my way, that's kind of what it is.

Anyway, what happened, though, is I was looking around. I was like, "Okay, I need to prove the market that I know what I'm doing on a lot of these things." Nobody knows who I am. I remember doing my first periscope and I was like, "Man, no one knows who I am. No one's going to watch this."

I think I had one person watch it. The next day, I had maybe two. The next day I had maybe three. That's literally how I built this. I was like, "I got to prove to the market that I can do this stuff, and that I've been doing it, and that I can ... " I've just never marketed myself out as a person that does this. What I started doing is I started looking around. I didn't realize it, but I was using this checklist inadvertently to vet out businesses.

I went and I said, "Okay," and a lot of you guys have asked this question to me, which is actually what has started spawning this podcast episode.

You said, "Hey, Stephen. I've got to know how to start. How do I get going? How do I prove myself?" They're like, "Well, there's this cool start-up that wants me to."

I'm like, "You said the word 'start-up.' Okay, if you're trying to prove quickly to the market that you know what you're doing, do not build for a start-up." I've told a lot of you guys that. I said, "You need to go build for a business that is ready for a funnel, and will just explode it. All right?

It makes you look like a champion...

It makes your funnel look like a champion, and makes the business look like a champion, all right? Because you've made them a bunch of money in a short amount of time. Well, you need certain things in place in order to actually do that. Does that make sense?"

I started looking around and I was calling buddies. I'm going back to the story. I made a huge list of businesses that I thought would be cool to go build funnels for. I was sitting there and I was like, "Okay. I could my own. I could build one for a company that's already established, where they could blow it up. I could go," and I made this big list.

I started going piece by piece, and I started shotgun emailing tons and tons of businesses. It's actually funny, Justin and Tara Williams in the inner circle, Russell's inner circle, they're one of the people I reached out to. They were just too slow to get back to me, so that's one of the reasons I work for Russell now and not them, which is kind of funny.

I went out and I started shotgun telling people, I was like, "I will build you a funnel. I know you don't know what it is. I will do it for free, and I will show you once it's making revenue, then let's talk about me getting paid; but first, let me prove myself." It was like "Whoa."

These people were like, "Who is this kid?" Then I had them proving themself to me, because then they came back to me and they're like, "Well, I want you. I want you."

I was like, "Well, I can only take one of you guys, so who's it going to be?" About that time, I met a company down in Florida. I will keep them nameless, Echo. I went and I was checking out their stuff. I was like, "I could totally build for these guys. These guys would be a good candidate."

I met the owner, and he was like, "That sounds amazing. I have no idea what you're talking about. Sales funnel, what does that even mean, right? That's all techno-babble. No one really knows what that is unless you're in the industry."

I was like, "Well, I know you don't know what it is. I'm going to build it, and then let's just do this. So these are the things I need from you." I was like, "X, Y, and Z." I said, "I've got to have one, two, and three from you; and this is what we can expect in the timeline. Let's go," and I went to work. I started putting the funnel together. First I ran an ask campaign and I ran out there, and I got tons, like 150 responses in a day. He already had a pretty big customer base.

I said, "Oh my gosh." I started looking through the responses of the ask campaign and I was like, "Oh my gosh, did you guys know that they want X, Y, and Z?"

They're like, "No." We went and we built a ... We, I. I built a trip bar funnel and I launched it out to these guys. We made them like 20 grand in two days. It brought in an additional 30 grand on top of that over the next week or two, all to his internal list from an ask campaign.

I was like, "Cool! I got my story. Woo!" I looked back and I was like, "Why did that really work?" That's because of this checklist. I've danced around it, but let's jump into it here.

This is a slightly longer podcast, but I hope you see the value in what I'm about to say here to you guys. If you can't find a business that matches these, I'm not saying you shouldn't go do it, but look harder. If you're really trying to prove yourself, or you're trying to break into the industry, or your own business; let's say you're not building for other people but for your own business. You're trying to make these things work. You're trying to make your funnel work for your business. It might be because your business is not hitting these criteria, so let's jump in.

Number one, is their business ... I'm going to share this with the standpoint of, 'Hey, I'm looking for a client,' because I've built a lot of funnels for other people. All right, so number one, is their business already making sales? Whether offline or online, I don't care. They could seriously be going door-to-door. I don't care. Are they already selling the product they're wishing a funnel was for? Do they have repeat buyers? This is all part of number one. I wrote in here this question alone is a major barrier. If the answer is 'No,' I don't work them because they haven't built the business enough to support a full-fledged funnel. Full-fledged funnel.

Is there already sales happening, or is this a start-up? If it's a start-up, I usually will always say 'No,' unless they're throwing just an inordinate amount of money at me; because they haven't build the funnel around it, or they haven't build a business. You'll see more what I'm talking about as I move into this. This is a whole aspect of this business that most people don't think about, or know about, or we even really talk about. I don't think we've really thought about it before.

Anyway, number two, what assets do they have? Do they have an email list? Do they have social presence, phone numbers? Do they have a website at least? Are they at least online? Do they have things like logos, images, videos, copy, sales copy. Do they have those things? What I'm really trying to figure out here is if they have enough people and enough following for me to run a successful ask campaign.

An ask campaign, if you don't know what that is, is where you go out and you say, "Hey, what's your number one challenge with X, Y, and Z?" You get back a whole bunch of responses from this open-ended question, and it will tell you what to sell them next. It's really helpful.

Number three, can they name and do they know who their competition is? This blows me away. When people can't say who their competition is, it's almost like an automatic 'No.'

What it means is they haven't actually gone through and they don't know their own place in their own industry, and their own spot in the ecosystem inside their own industry. I wrote 'This is huge. If they can't name their own competition, but are telling me their revenue is massive, I'm going to strongly question that.'

What I'm really looking for here is someone to funnel hack. If there's no one to funnel hack and they don't know who I can funnel hack, I get skeptical on the future success of the funnel right off the bat. I got to be able to funnel hack people who are being successful.

It's the other reason why I don't do start-ups, because if there's no one to compete with, it's ... You're a pioneer.

You're not modeling anybody. You're doing something that no one has done or no one's been successful with. That means that you might be drifting into an area where you're selling products that are based on improvement, not products that are new opportunities.

Improvement-based offers are terrible. New opportunities sell a lot, just right off the bat.

Anyway, you might be selling into a red ocean. Or, the ocean is so blue that the market isn't ready for it. How many of you guys use all the features in Excel, or do you just use the basic plus/minus multiplication, division features? It's the most ... Anyway. Different story.

Are they trying to be a market disrupter, or are they trying to make money? You know what I mean? That's what I'm trying to say.

Number four, how many products are they selling or can they offer? If they're selling complimentary products to their customers, I would know how to structure the funnel almost immediately. If they're only selling one product, I know we're probably going to have to make some of their product not just a funnel. That's fine, I just charge more. That's what I wrote.

Basically, are they selling more than one product? If they're selling more than one product, successfully, it's a really easy way to make the funnel. If they're only selling one thing, typically a funnel has at least two products, different variations at least, of the same product. If they don't have that and they want to make a ...

That's the hard part when insurance companies come to me and is like, "You guys have a single product, and your only other product is more insurance." I'm like, "Ugh. Like, we got to create another product here."

They're like, "Oh, okay."

All right, number five, what is their current monthly revenue? Some people will quote their glory days revenue.

Find out how much they're really making...

If they're spending their last dime to build a funnel with you, feel sketchy about it. What money will they have to drive traffic with? Plus, they get too needy. It's like going to a five star restaurant after not eating for two days. You'll hardly taste it and no one will enjoy the five stardom. Don't sell broke people. I know that I build high level funnel, and I don't want to sell level two ... business a level ten funnel. That sounds harsh, but you're actually doing a disservice if you do that.

Number six, do they already know what kind of funnel they want? This matters, because it's how I gauge their education level. If they know what kind of funnel they want already, I don't have to continually educate them on the vision of what I propose to build; and especially during the build. It's much easier.

Again, not a deal breaker but I go from being a funnel builder to a funnel builder plus coach. I need to allocate my time accordingly. If someone doesn't even know what funnels are, it's kind of like ... It's fine if it's this way, but you're going to be educating them a lot further.

One of the people I most recently built for, they pay the ten grand, they came in, they built ... Actually, I'm going to try and interview them here soon, so you guys can all see. It's really cool. It's a political campaign funnel for another country. I live in America, and it's for another country. He's actually about to get elected, and the funnel actually helped him take office. How freaking cool is that?

Anyway, but they already knew what kind of funnel they wanted. It made it really easy, because I could just build. I didn't have to coach. It's fine if you have to coach, I just have to change some things.

All right, number seven, do they know their numbers? Do they know how much it costs for them to acquire for somebody? CPA? Do they know what their average cart value is per customer? Do they know what their earnings per click are? Et cetera. If they already know the numbers, that helps a lot.

Number eight, do they have current and consistent traffic? If not, what's the plan to get it? If they don't have any kind of traffic flow that I could just drop something into, that's going to be hard. It'd be like if I went to ... I live in Idaho now.

I'm from Colorado. There's mountains and valleys all around us. There's rivers and dams where they put those hydroelectric generators in there to get electricity. It'd be like building a dam in the middle of a valley and then trying to find the water. That's what it's like when you're trying to build a funnel for somebody who does not already have traffic. It's very difficult.

It's so much easier to go find somebody who's ... It's like the Nile, they already got tons of traffic. Just drop a whole bunch of dams in there, you're going to get electricity off of it. It's the exact same principle. It's hard to build for somebody who doesn't have traffic yet. It's fine, again, if they don't. You got to know what the plan is. Who's driving it? Do they think it's you? I've had people who thought I was going to drive it.

I was like, "No." I'm like, "I'm not going to drive your traffic for you."

Anyway, number nine, what software and systems do they already? This is so big. This is an element we don't really talk about a lot, but you're going to become an integrations master if you're trying to build for other people.

Even if you're for your own funnel, you're going to have to be somewhat of an integrations master as well. Do they know they're going to require additional software and subscriptions to build their funnel?

Here's a little story. I had some people who wanted me to build a funnel using Infusionsoft. I ran the other way. I said "No."

Number ten, this is so big. Again, we don't really talk about this. Do they already have their own performing fulfillment? I wrote it all caps in here, selling and funnels is the sex of business. Fulfillment is the red headed stepchild with a mole on his forehead that no one wants to think about but will actually kill the business. I wrote a little story here.

I said, "I once ... " Yeah, I was stupid once and built a funnel years ago for somebody who had no fulfillment. I was just excited to get the client. I made them some quick cash in a couple days.

They frantically called me back and asked me to turn it off. They're like, "Turn it off! Turn it off!"

I was like, "Why? You guys are making all these sales! Are you kidding me? I just like two X'ed your company."

They're like, "I know, but we don't have ... We can't handle it." I ended up having to go build this whole inventory system in the back end. They got so gun shy from it making all these sales that they never turned it back on.

I was like, "That's the stupidest thing I've ever heard." They still wouldn't do it, though.

Number 11, I said "Finally, have they ever been successful in anything at all, ever?" That sounds harsh, but ... Anyway, I wrote a little note on this one, too. I said, "This might seem like a joke, but someone who's never done anything, ever, in life, at all, but who has all the previously mentioned steps, has potential to be a massive basket case of emotions. Then, you'll turn into an icky life coach again."

Unless they're really, really upping the price, I'd run the other way...

You're not trying to keep people out, but what you need to understand is that there's been people ... There's a guy I was building a funnel with once. It was for ... He was selling a book that was, once people read it, they automatically wanted to buy product for some supplement thing. It was a long time ago. It was probably, that was about four years ago, probably. Three and a half, four years ago. I was building a funnel for him.

This was before click funnels existed, but I was using things like Get Response, and WordPress, and things like that. I was building a funnel for him and literally every move I made, he was excited about but questioned like crazy. It was the most ... It was damming to my progress, just like a dam with water, but where it doesn't let the water through. I had to verify every single step the whole way, because he had never been successful in something before.

He was having little successes here and there, but nothing where he could let go a little bit and say "Okay, you take the reins. I trust the expertise, and you should back off ... I'm going to back off a little bit and you just go build this thing." These are all some of the lessons I've learned.

Again, this is kind of a long podcast but I wanted to show you guys some of that. Final note, and you can get this checklist and I'll show you out.

I said, "Final note, this list sifts out a lot of people, and I realize that. But, that's why I made this checklist for my personal use. Your goal, and it's honestly what I've been using in my head all along, and I had no idea; but if they didn't meet these criteria, which was different than a lot of the criteria that I've seen out there for other people...

But anyways, your goal is to match your funnel building skill level with the correct client for you. I waded through three plus years of bad, bad, bad clients to learn this. All right."

Then, I put the actual website there. It's a little checklist, a little asset that I put together for you guys. I think you're going to really like it. There's some spelling errors and stuff like that, but anyway I think you'll understand the point of it.

Guys, I wanted to ask you something. I've got actually a bit of announcement here, this is kind of a bittersweet thing for me, personally. I'm not going to spend a lot of time on it, but I'm actually leaving the public funnel building game.

I'm pretty sad about it...

Click FunnelsClick Funnels is growing so fast. It's growing so incredibly fast. We're actually just trying to keep up. We've 3X'd, two years in a row. We're on track to do the same thing again this year. By the way, just so you know, that kind of thing doesn't really happen. We're extremely unique as a company, Click Funnels is.

To commemorate this whole 'Hey, I'm no longer going to be doing this thing,' I wanted to just take on my last few clients. I'm excited. I want to be able to focus more.

It's actually Russell has asked me. This is the reason I'm doing this is Russell's asked me to no longer really be doing anything more publicly, and to focus on helping him with Click Funnels. I completely understand what he's asking. I love Click Funnels, you guys, we are changing the world. It's so fun, but understand what I'm saying here.

What I'm going to do is I'm totally going to make you a cool deal for the last few people who want me to build for them. I have until the end of March to make this happen. I only have space for three people because I put my heart and soul into these funnels.

The thing I can promise and guarantee you, all my integrity, my very name, and maybe even my kids, is that I'll give you a sweet funnel. That that's something that that's what I do. It's all I do, every day, all day for ... It's been years, especially this last year with Russell. I've given some pretty big info on this podcast, you know what I mean?

I just wanted to obviously this type of information I'm giving you is not ... It's not going to do anything for you if you don't actually go build one.

The reason I'm doing this is like I said, I am publicly going to no longer be offering funnel building services. I've had to increase my coaching price. I first started hundred dollars an hour and I coached a lot of people and it was great; but I had no life. So I increased my price to take people even more serious, to $400 an hour; but it still, again, I had to stop. I bumped my price up again, just because I can't handle the volume.

I'm being totally honest and vulnerable with you guys right now as I say this. I'm going to make this quick. I know I've been going for about 30 minutes here, and I apologize. Hopefully you guys hear what I'm telling you.

You can get this checklist by going to Also, there is a spot on there where you're going to see if you want to be one of my last three people, there's a spot for you to put down your name and a deposit. What will happen is I'll go through this checklist with you and I'll vet out your situation. If we're a fit, that deposit will go towards the price I charge for the funnel; which is ten grand. I thought about doubling my price, and that would be totally appropriate; but it's not even that. He wants me to stop building altogether; as far as external funnels. I'll still have my own projects that I'm building out, but I will no longer be doing it for other people.

I legitimately am taking four people, but I already have one gone. I'm building for my dad right now. His is almost done and I'm going to share behind the scenes of that here soon, just so you guys can learn what we did. It's kind of cool. It's very clever.

I don't think anyone really in the financial area is doing what we just pulled off. Then, I'm also building for a company called 'A Statue of Responsibility.' There's the State of Liberty on the East Coast, an equal sized statue called the Statue of Responsibility's going on the West Coast. They've asked me to build the funnel for them to make all the donations so that that statue can get built on the West Coast. They're just trying to figure out which city it's going to go in; so super cool stuff. That's basically it, so I mean technically that's five, but one of them's about done.

I only have room for three more clients. This is real urgency and scarcity, you guys. I know that we teach you guys to do the real urgency and scarcity, like 'Oh, it's never going to happen again!' This probably literally will never happen again, because I'm going to sink my teeth even farther into Click Funnels. I know that there are, and ...

I didn't just want to come out and say "Oh, you can't get any more funnels from me. I'm out and out of the count." Yeah, right. You can't. I'm tapping out. I literally had to ... I'm going to show you guys some of the things in here, but I literally had two choices. Russell and I have had some heart-to-hearts on it. Two choices.

Russell said, "Okay, man. Like, I really need more help with what I'm doing. You can go build your own stuff and keep this going, or stay with Click Funnels. And I want to help you, um, help you there, as well."

I was like, "Man, like this is just nice. My wife and I have been talking about it.

She's like "This is a weird, nice problem to have. You know, which direction are you going to take?" That doesn't mean ... It will probably be like five years before I go and accept a funnel build for somebody else, you know what I mean?

Unless again, it's like this inordinate amount of money. There's no way that I have time to do it anymore. This last little rah-rah. I just want to remind you guys that there's a lot of you guys I know that are thinking about hiring me. I've had 27 applications to build funnels just in the last little bit. 27! 90% of you guys I know sadly, you don't meet some of these criteria, or the ten grand is too much.

That's okay, just keep pushing it, keep rushing it. I can't build for you, and that's okay; but there are a lot of you, though, who do have the ten grand, who are wanting me to build.

I'm trying to give you this real urgency and scarcity and tell you that like, "Look, I cannot. I am not allowed. I can't. I can't move forward anymore building funnels after these three clients." Those are my two choices.

Literally, your two choices are whether or not I'm going to go build for you because this is real urgency and scarcity. I have to move on. The landscape of my profession and my path is starting to change. For three years, I built for start-ups. For this past year, I've only built for professionals, people with at least ten grand. I have a buddy who sells $50,000 funnels.

Anyway, ten grand for a funnel, the type that I build, I know it's actually dirt cheap...

I just want to remind you guys that ... It's kind of funny. You think about the attractive character, this is the reluctant hero category. I'm trying to show you guys the magician's hands, kind of like what Russell calls it. I'm trying to show you what I'm doing here. I am closing this, and so I actually wanted to make you guys an offer. I'm going to make you guys an offer right now. I'm excited to do it.

Not only are you guys gonna get a funnel that writes $10,000, I'll build you guys whatever kind of funnel you want. I'll do all the images. I'll help put the copy together. Videos will probably have to be done by you, so it's your face on them, but I'll help you put those together as well.

I'll help you write the emails, the fulfillment emails, which there's a lot more to do on those than I've noticed you guys do. All right, help you write the soap opera series, helping you write sticky emails that will get people back in to buy, even several weeks after they've left your funny. All the different communication pieces, and that's $10,000. That's a value of ten grand.

I remember the first time I charged ten grand. I was like, "This is crazy!" Then they went off and they did these amazing things. I was like, "Wow! Ten grand was nothing!" All right, I'm also going to give you guys every funnel I charge for. Every single one of them. That's about $1,000 value, almost; so I'm going to give you guys every single funnel.

You'll get the $10,000, and then you'll get the about another $1,000 in funnels that I use for MLM; the funnel that I used to get 650 people to a live event, which was crazy. It was in the middle of college. That was so amazing. We raised seven grand for charity. It was awesome, but I built that funnel. I'll give you that one.

You guys are going to get my insurance funnel. You'll get my podcasting funnel. You'll get my live coaching funnels, the funnel I use to get all my coaching stuff in. Which by the way, does quite a bit, monetarily.

Anyway, you guys are going to get all those for free. I'm just going to share funnel them over to you. I'm going to build the funnel for you. Then, I'll give you every funnel that I charge, I'll give it to you for free. That's 11 grand in value.

I'm also going to give you guys two coaching sessions post-build. This is huge. I charge $1,000 for an hour now. That's a $2,000 value. A lot of you guys, post-build, I've noticed will want to ... Obviously you're going to want another coaching session.

It's like a check-up, it's like going back to the doctor after a surgery. 100% totally get it, so I'm going to give you guys two coaching sessions for free. I'll do it like two weeks after, and then one month after I'm done building. Usually my building period is two weeks, so within two weeks you'll have your funnel back; dependent on how quick you can get me the assets that I need.

There's the built funnel for ten grand. Every funnel that I charge, for free, I'll give that to you for free. That's another $1,000. Two coaching sessions, that's $2,000. Then, I'm also going to give you ... Guys, I don't think a lot of you guys know, but I do a lot of stuff with the affiliate game.

I've only got like 20 affiliates for Click Funnels, but it makes an extra grand a month; which is awesome. I don't do anything for that. I'm going to give you the email series I use to get people in the door. It's worth a $1,000 a month to me, right now. A real, real cost and I don't do anything. I should drive ads. I should drive traffic to it.

I don't, and it still makes a $1,000 a month. I'm going to give you that specific email sequence, which is awesome. It's worth $1,000 a month.

Again, get the funnel built. I'll give you ever funnel I've ever charged for, for free. Two coaching sessions, my affiliate email sequence. Then, the last thing I'm going to give you guys is I want to feature you guys on the podcast. I think it'd be cool for everybody if you guys, if we go and we peel back the funnel, maybe after the coaching sessions are done or whatever.

We go through and we show the progression of the funnel, and we show how what we're doing. I thought it'd be really cool to feature you guys on the podcast so that everyone can see what we did and how we pulled it off. All together, that's like $15,000 in value. Obviously I charge ten grand for it. I'm going to give you guys $5,000 off, free for that. That's real urgency and scarcity.

If you guys go to, you'll be able to download the checklist. Then, right after that on the next page, you can hold your spot. Again, it's $500 just as the deposit to hold your place. The reason I do that is because a lot of people want me to build their funnels, but the $500 helps me know that you're serious and in a position for me to build your funnel. If it doesn't work, I give you the $500 back.

That's no risk to you at all. If we are building the funnel together, then it just goes towards the $10,000 price. That's only $9500 after that.

That's it, guys. Go to Again, my full name is Stephen Joseph Larsen but it's You can download the checklist that I use to vet companies. You can use it to vet your own, and how much a funnel will blow up your business. Then you can also reserve one of my last three places for funnel building. Some real urgency and scarcity on this, okay? You guys have 'til the very last day in March to do this. The very last day in March. I have to do this now. You know what?

Actually, what's the date? I only have two weeks, because I have to have the funnels almost done by the end of March. Anyway, the countdown clock for the real world time that I have to stop building funnels publicly, or I get in trouble, because I need to focus inwardly on Click Funnels. It will be done. Go to, get the checklist, and go to the next page. You'll be able to see what that all is.

Guys, thanks so much. Again, you get the funnel built, ten grand. Get every funnel I've built and charged for free. I'll give you everything I have. Then, I'm going to give you guys two coaching sessions for free, for two grand; and then my email sequence for all my affiliates that gets loaded straight into your Actionetics.

I can share link all my email sequence straight into your Actionetics account, which is awesome. Then, I'm going to feature you on the podcast. I think everyone will get a lot of value from that, actually. That's going to be really cool. That's real world value of over 15 grand. I'm going to give it to you for $10,000. Anyways, guys, again, I will talk to you guys later. Bye.

Mar 3, 2017


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Garrett and Danielle White Family, Russell Brunson, and TONY ROBBINS...


What's going on, everyone? This is Steve Larsen. You're listening to Sales Funnel Freaking Radio. Whoo! Hey, this is actually a special episode. This is part 3 of 3 in my review day-by-day of Funnel Hacking Live Event that Russell just threw in Dallas. I'm actually in Dallas right now recording this. I didn't want to leave the hotel room before doing this and spiting it out and everything was fresh on my mind.

So, I'm just sitting inside here in the actual hotel room itself and just getting these podcasts out to you guys. These are kind of a review. Today, will be a bit shorter than the other two. The other two were a bit long, but I wanted to go in-depth so you guys felt like you were getting some values from the podcast itself. Again, and just as the others, if this is the first episode of this 3 part series that you're listening to, go listen to the other 2 first.

The whole event was meant to build on itself, so I would go listen to Day 1 first, and then Day 2, and then come back to this one. Really, the last one, but this is the one where Tony Robbins came in and it was so cool.

Welcome to Sales Funnel Radio. Where you'll learn marketing strategies to grow you online business, using today's best internet sales funnels. And now, here's your host, Steve Larsen.

Again, thank you to all you guys that I was able to meet, and talk with, and take selfies with, and all the gifts you guys brought, which I was not expecting that. And it was very, very humbling. Anyway, guys, thank you so much. Again, my voice is totally shot still and talking as much as I am is not helping. But it is what it is.

The very first person who came in was Garrett White with his wife. Now okay, Garrett has spoken every single time at the Funnel Hacking Live Events. The reason Russell likes to bring him in is because he also helps people implement. Now you think about, Garrett made this point as well.

He's like, "Okay, I know you like coming to Funnel Hacking Live and you get a whole lot of extra goodies and nuggets, and things that you don't get anywhere else. Think about it, if you would just freaking read the book, watch the tutorials, and do it, you're going to be farther along than the majority of the people who are out there."

It was really funny to listen to, but it was like, "Okay, okay, that makes sense." There is a lot of stuff that you can't get from a book that you do get at the event. It was actually really cool to listen to him and hear him say that. He was there with his wife though and we've never done that with him before. And his kids on the stage.

Garrett was the same Garrett, swearing like a storm, but he went through and he started teaching us more about, like an echo of what Setema taught. But even more depth on certain areas; it was really cool.

He was banker actually and in 2008 when the economy really tanked, he lost everything. He realized that he had no idea who his wife was. He had no relationship with his kids. He realized that the life he was living was pure crap. He hated it.

He realized that a lot of it was because, again similar, was the story he was telling himself. Which was kind of cool because, Tony came in and talked about "the story we were telling ourselves." There was kind of a theme there for many, actually several speakers, not just those three. At least, that's what I picked up. Maybe that's what I needed to hear. You know what I mean? You guys might have picked up something different, who were there. Anyways.

So he said, "You need to choose yourself." I don't mean that in like a freaky-deaky way, like weird. Meaning you got to create yourself, okay? Know who you are.

Know the story you are telling yourself. He had us turn and scream, at the top of our lungs, at our neighbor that, "I am a marketer." Number 2, you got to live in the land of yes or no, none of this maybe crap. "Maybe I'll get this done." That means no, you're not going to do it. It was interesting to hear him say all that stuff. "Got to live in the land of yes or no. No more maybes."

So, he had us turn to our neighbor and scream, "I am a closer." So, number 1 is, "I am a marketer." Number 2 is, "I am a closer." Number 3 was ...

He said a lot of times when we get in these businesses, we start getting followings and we, guys I've been totally guilty of this and it's been cool to hear him say this. Because right now, sitting here right now, as I'm recording this podcast there's probably 400 messages, collectively, between email, tons of Facebook messages ...

Oh my gosh, I can't even handle it anymore. It stresses me out. I want to give, and give, and give, and give, and help. I feel guilty that I can't give, and give, and give, because I have to live too. You know what I mean?

I know a lot of you guys listening to this, you guys get the exact same way. We attract like people and you're listening to my podcast. We're probably really similar. You start to feel guilty that you can't help everyone and their mom at all times, for free. You feel guilty that you can't get out there and do that. I was like, "That's so true. I've totally had that experience before."

Now, Russell has since been teaching me that it is your moral obligation to sell people. It's your moral obligation. It's actually the name of the last section in his new book, by the way. After he and I talked about it, because it's such a huge deal. People feel guilty about talking other people's money.

He goes, "No dude, think about this ... Russell told me this and then also Garrett White was saying this on the stage too. He said, "Okay, think about it. You've gone through, you've done the epiphany bridges with people. You've been selling like crazy. You've helped them realize the need for the product. You've gone in. You've changed their paradigm of the world. Then you don't sell them something?"

A. The worst thing you could do is give it to them for free. When you give something for free to somebody for free for too long ... Number 1: it can bring in these feeling of well you gave it to me for free, so everything you give me should be for free. And I'm not talking about your base. All the things you're putting out there for people, that's fine. But if you're giving your actual bread-and-butter product and service away for free, for too long, it jacks up the value that they see of what you've built.

You guys know that I built the funnels for Marcus Lemonis on the tv show, The Profit. That was like 11 funnels in a day; it was nuts.

Marcus saw the vision. Marcus caught the benefit of the funnel. He understood it...

He had the epiphany. Because he talked to Russell about it and it was super cool. He's like, "Every business needs a funnel." And we're like, "Yeah, that's why it  exists. This is freaking cool, right?" He's like, "Oh my gosh, yeah."

Then what happened is, I went out and started building all these funnels for all these peoples. That was my role in the company shortly after I got hired. I was building these funnels and I was putting them together. It was all these companies. You guys probably haven't heard of ... A lot of them were tv show episodes of the show, The Profit.

I was going back of all these episodes he'd done in the past and building funnels for these companies. I'd build them and I'd put them together and the whole way, the whole way, I had to keep selling these people on why they needed the funnel. They didn't have the epiphany. We built these beautiful funnels. Oh my gosh, these guys could be making so much extra money and they came in and were like, "Cool." And it sat for like months and months and we're like, "You're not doing a dang thing. Why not?"

And they're like, "We don't even know what this is. What do you do? Why is this" ... And I was like, "I've been telling you. I've been showing you. I've been coaching you. I've showed you so many times how this thing works." And they're like, "We don't want to do an internal launch to our list. Why would we do that? They've already bought from us." And I was like, "You are idiots." Oh my gosh.

So what was hard and what was challenging is, if people have the epiphany and you don't sell them something, then you are actually doing them a disservice. If people pay, they pay attention. Right? They need to put some skin in the game, psychologically, to actually go in and digest and get after something.

There is something you have to pay, whether with time, or with money, or with some sacrifice in order to actually get stuff. Understand it. Implement it. Push forward on it. Everything is bought with your time, your thoughts, anything. Right? And if you go in and you say, "Hey, here's this really cool product and I'm giving you this awesome offer and I'm going through and I'm ...

Guys, the funnels I give for free on my site, I should charge for my full 10 grand price for a lot of them. I don't though. The ones that are 100 bucks or a 127 bucks and people come back and complain about it.

There's only been one person who's actually complained about it. It's because they didn't know ... I don't even know how they got on the page. I don't even know what they bought. I mean they probably don't know how to turn on Facebook. Anyway. There's only one person complain, I couldn't even believe it. But no one else has complained.

But then I'll go back and realize that some people have just not implemented it. I'm like, "I wonder if I charged more money, if people would implement this harder." Like half of the people get it and they push forward. The other half don't. Interesting.

That's what Russel's been teaching me, is like if you've gone through this whole thing and you've taken away their ability to pay with money, they have to pay now with something else. Does that make sense? It's the moral obligation to sell. Right?

So, Garrett White had us screaming, "I'm a closer! I'm a closer! I'm a closer!" at each other. Because we need to live in the land of yes or no. Charge the money. Charge the money. And get out there and make the sale. Because, then they're motivated. They've go skin in the game.

You've changed their mindset and you've actually given them a way. The product is the path. Right? The service or the product is the path for them to actually get done what you were just saying they could. And it scratches everyone's back. That's how it happens. And people who can't afford it? That's okay. It means they're trying to figure out how to afford stuff. That's the phase that they're in. That's okay. Anyway, I shouldn't keep going about that.

So, he had us screaming at each other, "I am a leader, not a savior." And then we whispered it. And it was really interesting to feel that. I have a vested interest, you guys, in your success.

You guys know that, listening to my podcast, but there are just some people that I just can't help. And I can't do it for free anymore. I did it for free for three years just so I could prove myself to the market that I knew what I was talking about. That I was motivated enough to get it done. All right?

That I was getting it done. That I was getting real results for the companies.

And I gave it free, and free, and free, and free, and helped, and helped, and helped, and helped, and helped. But what really brought more people success, was when I started charging. And I didn't realize that until Garrett came out and he said that. I was like, "Oh my gosh. That is true. I am a leader, not a savior." Right?

I am very religious and I believe in Christ, but that is not the point of this podcast. But it was interesting to think about that on that level. It was like, "Gosh, very fascinating point, my friend. Thank you very much."

He's like, "There's no hack to work. Quit looking for an excuse to suck." All right? He's like, "Just suck. Just freaking do it. You're going to suck. And then you'll suck less. And you'll do it even more and you'll suck less. And eventually, you'll suck less, so little that you'll actually be good."

He's like, "You just got to start. Just freaking do it."

And his little daughter came up and she wanted to be on stage with him. And he's like, "Well, it's going to cost you." This is the backstory of how she got on stage with him, his little girls. "Well, you've got to make $1000." So, this little girl followed Russell's path; read the book as a punishment for time-out for something she did.

Garrett makes her read Russell's book. So, she finished the whole book...

She went through and made a webinar. She made $1200 on her first webinar as a 10 year old girl. It was so cool. And he was like, "Now what do we tell people who are just bad-mouthing us?" She immediately knew what he was asking and she started yelling, "I don't care about you. You probably don't know how to do half the things that I'm doing."

It was really funny. Anyway. I'll stop on that. It was a big epiphany that I had for the event. That was really cool...

Then Russell came through and we have a sweet traffic course. I mean you guys are starving for traffic. So, what we're doing is flying in the top experts. The people who don't sell courses. Right? These are the people who are so freaking good that you can not attain them unless you pay ridiculous amounts of money.

We were like, "What if we paid the ridiculous amounts of money. They train us as a team how to do it and you guys get a camera on the inside watching us do it and how to get trained and how it worked for us. It's really just such a freaking good offer. There's a table rush. That was the first time I ever experienced a table rush. People go up before he was even done and just ran to the back, because it was gosh it was so good.

Then we had a big break and Tony Robbins's security was there...

And we didn't know it, but they were testing us to see if we were actually bouncing people. I like to fight, so I was like, "Make me a bouncer, please." I look like a softie and I smile and hug like one. And I'm always pumped and excited, but there's this other side of me that really likes to fight stuff. Which is why, I think, that I got drawn into the army.

Anyway. So, apparently they were testing us. They were like, "You guys are doing a great job. We're really impressed with your staff." We're like, "Yeah, we're totally freaking security guard. Yeah, what." Anyway.

So, Tony Robbins came in. I have got a full page of notes, and graphs, and stuff he was saying. I don't even know where to begin on this, you guys. It was so good. Gosh, it was so good.

He was like, "Hey, raise your hand if these three days, while you're here, you're kind of stressing because there's things in your business that you know you need to get done, but there just not getting done without you. Raise your hand, if you're that way. Now, repeat after me, keep your hands in the air: I am a business operator, that sucks." It was really funny.

He was like, "Okay, you guys are business operators, not owners, if three days is making you freak out. Time to expand it a little bit." He was like, "I'm not trying to be cheesy. A lot of people think of me as a happy, happy, thinking, go-lucky kind of guy. That's total bull crap. I am more of a strategist. Realize when I say that 80% of success is your psychology, it's all about your state.

What state are you in, if someone tells you bad news? Act like you're having bad news right now and go make the sounds and noises you would next to the person. Shoulders slouch, you know, and face kind of gets upset. You know? And he's like, "Okay, now stand up and introduce yourself to someone like you're scared of them. Notice how your body is. Now, let's go talk to people like we're excited to see them, like it's a long-lost friend."

And the room was like ... It was ridiculously loud. You could hear it basically out the hotel doors, way in the back of the hotel. It was so cool.

So we were jumping around like crazy and it was really, really cool. We went through three different forces of creation. He talked about us, you know, who we're spending the most time with. Life is decisions not conditions. He told us his story, which was very, very humbling.

He said that success was the result of good judgment...

How do you get a judgment?...

By failing like crazy...

He's like, "You get good at judgment by learning what bad judgment is, because that's what you make." Anyway, guys, I don't want to keep rambling on here.

But, gosh, it was so freaking good. It was about how you kill your fears and people stood up. He's like, "What is really the most scary to you? I'm not going to make you guys share it. So, just he write it down. And then he's like, "Let's share." It was really funny. "I lied to you."

And he pointed at one girl and he said, "Stand up. What do you fear most?" And she said and it had to do with, I can't remember, insecurity or something like that. And while she was describing it, he was like, "Okay, raise your hand if you can identify with this."

Tons of people raised their hand, of course, the feeling of insecurity. He was like, "Oh man, ma'am I want you to know just how alone you are and how no one has ever experienced that ever in their entire life." We are all laughing. He was like, "Understand, you guys, that there is the mind, which is the organ in your body, in your head. Then, there is your mind. And so many thoughts of the mind control us, you know feelings of insecurity, feelings of this, or this, or that, or that, or that, or that. Realize that the mind can produce lots of stuff for the body and persuade you."

He said, "I realize it was fascinating to have the epiphany that the mind is different from my mind. Although it's happening in the same place."

And we had people from so many countries there and different religions, different languages even. People all of the world came to this event. So he was like, "Interesting. So people from all over the world, different languages, different backgrounds, totally different places they came from. We all feel the same feelings, though. And yet we are so our own person and think that all our problems are our own and no one else is thinking them. That's total bull crap.

So, understand there is the mind and then there is your mind and you need to separate them. And when a thought like that comes in, just know that it is the mind. You can dismiss it and you can move on. It was really cool. It was really cool, guys.

I don't even know what else to say on this huge page of notes. I got nowhere else to go on here. He talked about motion determines emotions. If you're feeling sad or depressed or bored, freaking start moving. Just get up and already your body is going to start changing. Your biochemistry will change. You'll feel happier just by moving. Stop sitting. We are a sitting culture now. We just sit. We don't do anything. Just get up. Do stuff.

You'll feel better and you'll be happier...

It was really cool actually. Anyway, guys, that's all I got for you on this one. Those are the huge, key take-aways that I got from those three days. Thank you so much. I just want to point out to you guys. Thank you. I really appreciate all the awesome stuff you've done and meeting you guys. I had to step out a little bit on Tony Robbins at the end, because we go pictures with him. I'm sure I'll post that as soon as we get back.

You guys get to see that it was kind of cool. It was the whole Click Funnel team that was there with Tony. It was really fun. All the inner-circle people got their picture with him and it was really fun. And it was cool to go through those experiences together. It was very, very bonding.

What I do know is that Click Funnels is far more than a software company. It is a marketing company, but it's ... I mean, do you see Russell as a standard CEO?

No, this company is so much more than just CEO from some competitor that we have. By the way, he totally took the gloves off and we were 100% fighting and trying to destroy Infusion Software and Leap Pages now. Everyone got their own comic book. It was really cool. It was totally over-delivered in true Russell fashion.

Anyways, guys, I will talk to you later. I've got some cool, special announcements in the following podcasts here that I'm going to be doing, because I want to take action on my own business and the things I do with you guys based on what I learned at the actual event. So, I'm going to do that. I've got some cool things going on that are going to be coming out here. And things that I'm no longer going to be doing or offering so that I can focus and help out where it's needed right now.

Oh yeah, hey, one thing that was cool, before I get out of here. He brought us to this place called Medieval Times as a staff afterwards. Crazy cool. You go inside and you sit down and it's one of those dinner theaters. You go inside and it's like a big arena and there's real, live horses jousting in front of you. It's the craziest thing. The guys are riding at each other.

They literally joust each other. Splinters of wood going all over the place. It was the craziest I've ever seen. They were sword fighting and sparks going all over the place. It was really cool. Anyway, it was awesome. I was actually really impressed by that place.

It was funny because we are the Click Funnels Team and we were walking around trying to funnel hack them. Okay, they got this many seats. They're probably pulling this much revenue. Overhead is probably this much. We were figuring out their whole business while we were sitting there and they were serving us.

We were looking up all these different words, medieval vocab. So we were like yelling. Someone did something wrong and we were yelling, "Forfeiture!" It was really funny. Anyway. You should totally go there. It was totally awesome. It had nothing to do with the event. It was really fun, though.

Anyways, guys, you are awesome and I will talk to you later.

Sales Funnel RadioThanks for listening to Sales Funnel Radio. Please, remember to subscribe and leave feedback. Want to get one of today's best internet sales funnels for free? Go to to download your pre-built sales funnel today.

Mar 1, 2017


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Russell Brunson, Justing and Tara Williams, Caleb Maddix, Emily Shai, Trey Lepelen, Jason Fladlien, Darren Stephens, and Setema Gali...


What's going on everyone? This is Steve Larsen and you're listening to Sales Funnel Radio. This is day number two from Funnel acting live. These are the things that I learned, the things that I loved. You're going to get a front row seat here on some of the things that, behind the scenes, of the things that I thought were awesome during Funnel acting live day number two.

Welcome to Sales Funnel Radio where you'll learn marketing strategies to grow your online business using today's best internet sales funnels. And now, here's your host, Steve Larsen.

What's so funny is that, we brought in so much energy. We wanted everyone to be in a state to receive, and to learn, and to be there, and to grow and develop that by day number two, my voice was already shot. It's actually been this way for several days.

Anyway, it's slightly painful actually but that's okay. Okay, so the first day, if you haven't listened to it, I would go back and listen to it before you listen to this. Because there's a lot of foundational things that were said in day one. The conference was meant to build on itself. I would listen to day number one before you listen to this.

We're just going to jump right into it. We get in there, we're all fired up and stoked up. They had me as a VIP badge checker. Just so you know, inner circle, certified partners, anyone else who's kind of in the VIP area, they sit in the front seats. And I was a bouncer. It was a lot of fun. I really, really enjoyed it. I got to meet tons of you guys again.

I took a lot of selfies, it was a lot of fun. It was a fun time, guys. Just like I'd said in the other one, very touched and humbled by the amount of people who came up and said hi and thanks for the podcast. Guys, that fuels me. You know what I mean? This entrepreneurial journaling is not easy for anybody. It was really nice to hear that from you guys. It was just nice. It was very nice. Especially the guys who brought gifts. Man, that was just ... that put me on the floor. That was so nice of you guys. I really appreciate it.

Anyway, man, today was so nuts. Or, day number two was. It was Wednesday, February 22nd, 2017. The day before was all about marketing strategy, and how to sell without selling.

Day number two was all about the funnels. What we did is, we brought in all these experts in different industries. We know the majority of you guys are in MLM, or e-commerce, or you're an author, speaker, coach, consultant, or you're in retail, you're a brick and mortar. You fit in these certain categories, so what we wanted to do was bring in people who were using funnels in those industries that you could hear from. That's what day two was all about.

What happened is Russell came up and we did a presentation called Follow-Up Funnels. We were thinking about what happens when somebody comes in to one of our own funnels. We had John, who does our traffic, he went in and he ran some numbers. We found out ... it was pretty cool, because Russel showed all of our actual numbers.

He's like, "Okay, here's all of our funnels during the month of just this last December. Just two months ago." And he said, "Okay here, you notice ..." And he went through all these funnels and they're profitable, and they're profitable, and they're profitable. He was showing the actual numbers. Opt-ins, cash, revenue, profit on marketing a car and Funnel University, and all these different things on all the front-end funnels.

What was so funny, we realized when we were looking at him, we were like, "Man, how does ... how are we making money?" We didn't ask that question. We obviously crafted this on purpose. This is just how we presented it.

It's like, "Wait a second. We pulled in only like 17 thousand dollars in front end funnels on December." We're like, "What the heck?" And Russell goes, "Wait a second, are you telling me, Russell, that you're running a multi, multi, multi million dollar business, but you only pulled in 17 grand in December? How is that even possible?" You know what I mean? It's like, "What the heck?"

We went through and we found out that for every dollar that we are gaining on those front-end funnels turns into 16 dollars in the back-end.

We wanted to do this because we realized that a lot of you guys, what you're getting stuck on, is you go out and you build this tripwire funnel, right? This front-end funnel. You will expect it to make you beaucoups of money, right? That's cool. That's true. Somewhere though, the customer has to be bought.

Whether it's with your time, you have to buy the customer, or actual money with ads and stuff like that, you have to buy the customer. Somewhere, a customer will be bought. What we do then, is those front end funnels is how we buy the customer. We call them break-even funnels. They're not to make money.

What they're supposed to do is get us a customer, get them buying something, and then recoup costs by selling them products and/or other services...

So, we break even on the front-end with these funnels, but then it's all on the back-end. It's all these huge follow-up sequences that we have going on. I'm not talking about email sequences. Okay, that's one of the elements. But massive, massive things that have everything to do with actionetics. All the stuff that we put in behind turns into 16 dollars after we bring in one dollar.

Now, the hardest scenario for you guys to make a whole bunch of money in is by making a front-end funnel ... okay, listen to me ... is to make a front-end funnel only. Some of you guys are like, "Well, I'm making money, but not much." Well then you're done. Move to the next step. Make a webinar. Make an invisible funnel. Make something.

Ascend them to the next level on the ... you know what I mean?...

Don't try and make all this money from your tripwire front-end funnels. We call those break-even funnels. We only made 17 grand ourselves in December on that, but we turned all that money into 16 dollars per dollar, right?

Ascend. Age and ascend. It's one of the most important elements of your strategy, okay? He went through and he started showing how we use all this stuff. We're like, "Hey look, if you're all in, you'll be able to kill it with this thing." It was so cool. People ran and sprinted to back before he was even done.

He was like, "We're not like, hard-selling anything. Just so you guys know." I think he pitched one thing the whole time. That's not the point of these conferences. The point is not for us to make money, either. We barely break even on these babies. You know how expensive it is to through an event like this? It was massive. Oh my gosh, it was so massive. We barely break even on them, and it's to help all of you guys get the tactics down, the strategies down.

He first went into fallout funnels, and we did kind of like a state of the union, and showed some cool things and new features that are coming out that are just ... oh my gosh, they're mind boggling. I'm sure we're going to have to come up with a list of all the cool things we talked about there, because there's no way I could do it here.

I mean, it was like an hour presentation, and people were on their feet going nuts. It was the coolest thing. Oh my gosh...

Then we had a little break. And then, Justin and Tara Williams came up, and they talked about podcast funnels. They talked about how their entire multimillion dollar business has been built using podcasts. I've talked to Russell personally about this before and he's like, "Dude, the reason why podcasts are so good ..." You're on it right now.

The reason why podcasts are so good is because the kind of person that listens to a podcast is usually someone who's a more active, proactive individual in their life. If I was to put a YouTube ad up, typically people who congregate around YouTube, they only want things that are free. Or, they might not be action-takers. They just want to be purely entertained.

If you're on a podcast, you are deliberately trying to accelerate your life, and I applaud you for that.

That's what you're doing right now. I'm trying to give you guys some cool strategies and little insights on what happened in there. Anyways, they came through, and they ... like, "Hey look, we built our entire empire using podcasts. You've got to go in there and you've got to be able to deliver great value, but don't get hung up on it."

They gave a lot. It was so good. My dad was actually at the conference. I was able to get in and get him a seat. He was like, "Oh my gosh, that was the coolest thing I've ever heard." He started a podcast before yesterday was even over. It was so cool. He had the first 20 episodes planned. It was super cool. Super cool.

Then we had Caleb and Emily Shay come in. Just so you guys know, Emily is like eleven. She wrote her own book. It was book on how to have the perfect sleepover. She's a cute little girl. She calls herself princess of the pitch, and she was standing up. She had the whole crowd laughing. She was a total natural. My gosh, it was so cool. She was teaching us all about what this whole funnel game is really about.

She wrote that book and then she sold it door to door and made 20 grand. What's your excuse?...

I was like, "Oh my gosh." She's like, "I knew I could target people at car dealerships even better." So she would hang out at car dealerships and sell her book on how to have a perfect sleepover to all the kids that would come in. I was like, "Holy crap." Little marketing genius. That's amazing. What was I doing when I was twelve? I think I was picking my nose or something. I don't know. What the heck? Oh my gosh, she was great.

She talked about it's not about making money. This about your power and your ability to make a difference. Sometimes you make a funnel, and sometimes the funnel makes you. Sometimes it just sucks, and sometimes it makes money. It's all about the repetition, and wanting it, and fighting for it.

It was really ... I was like, crazy impressed with the amount of wisdom that came out. You're not too small for your dreams, and your dreams are not too big for you. It was really cool. I came in. I wrote down a whole bunch of things she was saying. I was like, "Do you know what you're saying? You're like twelve and you're killing it." You know what I mean? This is really really impressive. You and your kids are just one funnel away. That was really, really cool.

Then Caleb came in and he smashed it. Caleb is an outstanding, just incredible speaker. I really, really enjoyed listening to him as well. Very impressive individual. He's spoken with Gary V. and he's been on the news like crazy. He's fifteen. Just so you guys know, he's fifteen. He's killing it. He's written four books, been all over the news, he's done a TED talk.

It was crazy cool, crazy cool. Been with Tai Lopez, hanging out with him. Been with lots and lots of huge people. For what he's done as a fifteen year old is insane. Most of it he did when he was fourteen. But a lot of it was because of his dad. He went through, and he showed how his dad wouldn't give him money for certain things he wanted, and instead taught him how to build a business, and get it that way.

It's really, really cool. His dad wouldn't pay him for doing chores, and instead taught him how to do business stuff. It was really, really cool.

It was fantastic. The first secret he gave to us was that you got to work your face off. Just work like crazy. Number two is give like crazy. He said, "Give your face off." Just give and give and give, and be charitable to all people. It's always about the individual. It's never about the money. It was cool to know that he was being genuine about it. It was so cool. Very inspiring.

People were tearing up in the audience, man...

It was really, really cool. Right now he said he's experimenting with doing the perfect webinar script, but inside of a game show. He's like, "You're not going to get kids inside of this webinar, just watching it." So, he's making a game show. It's really clever. Probably going to interview all those guys here in a second, and put them on the podcast. Anyway, really cool.

Then we had Trey Lewellen come in. Gosh, if you guys know who Trey is, this guy made ... I don't think I'm at liberty to say the numbers. But, he is the person who's made the most money using click funnels ever. He also has the world record for offer that has made the most money in the shortest amount of time. There's been no offer ever, in the history of the world, that has brought in the amount of money. Insane, ridiculous amount of money.

We're not talking just a million or two million dollars. This is a lot of money. I don't think I can say more than that. He came in and he showed us some really interesting numbers. He showed us funnelitics. He showed you, literally get a product in these price ranges. Aim for these types of conversions. Once you've got that, then you can do this. And then once you've got those conversions and these numbers, then it's time to implement these things. It was very tactile, very awesome.

He basically gave the road map on how to make a million bucks. It was so cool...

Something he said in there was very key, and I wanted to bring it up here. He said, "Any time you add another product to what you're selling, you immediately 12X the complexity in your business. Immediately." He said, "People say to me all the time, 'How did you make that much money? Do you just have like, thousands and thousands of skews and products, and things that you're seeling all the time?'" He's like, "No, we got like, 20." It's like, what? 20? That's it?

He went through and he showed how simplicity inside of what you're trying to sell is better. Don't try and do this and this and this. He would build one funnel a week to just see what works. Just a little more of the backstory, because I know him.

The guy is awesome. I've gotten to talk to him a lot, actually. He's the man. He said, "I would launch a funnel. One per week. Just to see what would work. Then, when one would stick, I'd abandon the ones that didn't work, and put all my focus and energy to the one that did break even."

They would make it profitable with a few little tweaks that he showed us. That's how I'd blow it up. Then, I'd automate it. Get a little customer support in there. Then, find a relatable product that I could upsell them to after they got done with the first one.

I'd build a funnel a week...

It was really, really interesting. He's like, "Every time you do that though, you literally ... the number is, you will 12X the complexity and stress inside your business do to all the customer service, and support, and all the extra processing, and all the extra stuff that goes into a single product." I was thinking about it, and I was like, "Crap. I'm selling too many things. I know I am. I'd rather just focus on one or two, get extra good at it and then ..."

I've got some big announcements after I'm done with this little series on ... Then, right after that, Jason Fladlien came in. Jason is the Amazon funnel expert. He has made over a 100 million dollars in the last couple of years using Amazon. You'd think, "What the heck? How does that even work?" It was so cool. I mean, it was so cool.

He came through, and he showed us how he's taking ... He has his product on Amazon, obviously. He's like, "Guys, for every dollar that is spent on the internet, 25 cents of it is going through Amazon right now. Do you know how many buyers that is?" He's like, "I can make a million dollars selling ketchup, or something stupid."

There's so many, and they go to Amazon with the intent to purchase...

The stat right now is that like 83 percent, or something like that. It was huge. I think he said it was in the 80s. 83 percent of people make a purchase per month in the US. Isn't that crazy? 83 percent of people make a purchase per month in the US on Amazon. That's nuts. That's so many buyers. He's like, "And, it's increasing." It's the most insane thing ever. He's like, "So I totally hacked Amazon.

What I do, is I take the image of the product that I'm selling. I put it on top of a ..." He showed us the exact strategy. He showed us the seven strategies that he's using. He walked through all seven funnels, showed exactly how they're working. I was like, "Holy crap. I've never even heard of this." It blew my mind, and I'm pretty immersed in the funnel world. I was like, "This is the coolest thing ever."

He went through, and he showed how his product is on Amazon. He takes an image of it and he puts it on a click funnels page. He basically sends people to it.

He sells it a little bit, but he said, "The less copy on selling physical products through Amazon actually converts higher than more copy." I was like, "Oh, that's a cool tip. Thank you." He's like, "And it's easier, which is awesome." He's like, "So then what I do is I say, 'Hey'..." He acts like it's a product launch.

When people go there, there's a coupon code they can download...

Well, when you click download coupon code, a pop-up with an opt-in form comes in. That's how he gets your email address, right? Because, Amazon keeps all the emails. So, when they put the email address in, the second page has the coupon code. He just walks people through how to buy the product.

So, they take the coupon code. They'll go to Amazon. They'll search for the product, which boosts his ranking like crazy inside of Amazon's algorithm. Then, they'll go inside there, search for the product, pull it on up, buy it with the coupon code, and it scratches so many backs, it's ridiculous.

Oh my gosh, I couldn't believe what he was doing. He's like, "Now I got their email for follow-up purchases of the same type of product or same product. It's the craziest thing on the planet. Amazon fulfills it. If they got Amazon Prime, it's like free shipping. I don't have to worry about that crap. It was really cool. He's leveraging what Amazon's doing.

That was worth it all just right there. He showed seven different variations of strategies of when to use which. It was really cool. That was awesome.

Then, Darren Stephens stood up, and he showed us event funnels, and how he throws events like crazy. Just so you guys know, you may not know who Darren Stephens is. He has helped author some of the best selling business books on the plant. Darren's a very impressive individual. One of the most well-connected individuals I've ever met in my life. Just insane, what he does. I'll stop there on that.

But, he has gone and made, several times, one to two million dollars at a live event with only 80 people in the room. Think of the numbers on that. So, what he did is he goes through ... Okay, one to two, even 2.5, I think was the biggest one he did, million dollars in a couple days with only 80 people in the room. Think of the numbers that that takes. That's insane.

He went through, and he showed the strategies that he uses. Very subtle cues and techniques. Ways to keep the brain engaged while you're talking to a live audience. Very subtle, little things that you do. They may not seem that big, but he's like, "They make all the difference in the world. Because I get them with me before I'm even pitching anything." It was cool.

Then we had a little break. Then we had Setema come up and share ... Gosh, if you guys don't know Setema, he won the Superbowl with the Patriots. He showed some really fantastic stuff. He went through, and he started showing. He's like, "Okay. My job here is to show you guys how to implement, and to get things done in your life."

And he said, "Number one, you've got to get clear about what you want in your life. You gotta declare it." He showed some really powerful examples. He's like, "I'm not just telling you to say, 'Well, I want to make money.'" He's like, "No, you've got to get clear. When you're clear, you don't go hang out with your buddy, okay? You make your business happen. When your clear, you give up a little bit of time here, you know? You start doing ridiculous sacrifices."

He gave some very powerful, tear-jerking examples...

I won't lie, I don't cry. But man, there was like three times at this event I was like, "Holy crap." Not just with Tony Robins. Setema is one of them. I want to go learn from him. I'm actually going to go find ... I don't know if he's got a course or what. But, I want more of that. It was cool. He said, "Number two, the story I believe most about myself is the story that I tell most to myself." He's like, "If you want to change yourself, just change the story you keep telling yourself."

He's like, "That sounds really simple. And, it is, but it's harder to implement than I'm saying." Meaning, I'm too slow, I'm too fat, I'm too this, I'm too that, I'm too scared, I'm not good enough on the camera, I'm not good enough to do a webinar, I'm this. He's like, "Then you're never going to freaking do it."

You have to change the story that your telling yourself. Really cool. Number three was have a holy cause, right? Just take ridiculous, imperfect actions. Stop trying to make it perfect. The things that he was saying were so ... I mean, it was good. It was really, really good. It was calling to a very entrepreneurial ADD person like myself. Really awesome. I got to keep moving a little bit faster here. The day's almost over.

Then we had Two Comma Club awards. These are the people who made a million dollars inside of click funnels. Just think about this ClickFunnels is only a two or three year company, right? We've had about 100 people make a million dollars in a single funnel with ClickFunnels.

You don't have those types of ratios in any other industry. MLM doesn't give that to you. Nothing else gives that to you. Really interesting. Just do what Russell says. You look at all the people that were standing up there getting a Two Comma Club award, they were doing what Bran and Caleb did.

They paused the video. They did what Russell said. Then, they played it and they paused the video. They did it. It's very, very cool.

Then Russell did a presentation about how you're only one funnel away, and he brought us through his actually story from college. All the intense ... Oh my gosh. I already respected Russell like a brother. I've told him that many times. I look up to him like that. It's cool to sit next to him. Really cool. But man, you guys, that man cares about you.

I already knew that, but I listened to what he went through to get where this all is right now. He doesn't share the whole thing much. I don't know if there's a dry eye in the audience. It was very humbling to realize that I got to sit there.

I already was humbled knowing that, but I mean, everyone else in the audience was thinking the same thing. It was so crazy.

Then after that we had a ... All I'm saying is, if you were at the event, please tell Russell thank you. Even on social media. I got a few gifts from you guys that you wanted me to bring to him. That's really nice of you all, so I'm obviously going to do that. But, just say thanks to him. The guy obsesses over your success, and I don't know any other business with a CEO that does that. Please show who that is.

Then we had a sweet hackathon. It was very similar to the roundtable before. I was out there mapping out stuff with you guys, and answering some of the questions. It was so freaking fun. You guys are my people, man. You hackathon people.

Oh my gosh, I love it. We got an even in Boise. A new even in Boise. I'm not going to let the cat out of the bag a little bit, though. Just watch social media, you guys will see what's happening. I'm really stoked, because you guys get to come hang out with Russell and me for three days, and we build out your funnel with you.

Click FunnelsBy the time you're done, and by the time you leave, you have an entire webinar done. The script, you've actually done it live. You have the entire funnel complete. You have several variations that you can get it done.

We've recrafted the entire message. It has nothing to do with the product, like I was saying in the previous episode. It has everything to do with the way you put the message together. We rewrite your message. Russell is an expert copy writer. He doesn't always it himself.

Actually, he does. Never mind. He does do all the copy. I forgot about that. I'll go through, and I'll write it, and usually ... I'm getting better at the copy writing part. He actually doesn't tweak as much of my stuff now, but he is a great copy writer. We go through. We write it all. We put it all together, and it's three days. Very soon here, you will have to do that before you're even allowed to get into the inner circle.

We're taking the whole inner circle through this course, because we realized that the inner circle was struggling with the same sets of things, which is the whole reason we created the event. In the future, whether or not you go into the inner circle, you'll have to go through it as a lock gate to even apply. He's going to be able to elevate what he does within a circle even higher. It's going to be awesome. Giving you even more stuff.

Anyways, guys, that's day number two. Thank you so much for sticking around, I know this is a lot of stuff. You guys are all awesome. Appreciate everything you guys are doing. Again, go get the ticket for next time. Day one was all about market strategy. Day two was all about the funnels. Day three is all about personal development.

It will be a shorter podcast next time, because I don't even know how to capture the things that Tony Robbins taught us. I had never seen him before, and I know that everyone rants and raves about him. I was going with an open mind. I was like, "Cool. This is going to be awesome. I'm sure it's going to be great." But, I had no idea the level. I'm going to do that for the next episode, here.

That's kind of my run through on all these amazing dudes. All right, bye.

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